General Information

Introduction to relativistic quantum field theory for applications in particle physics. Topics include quantization of Klein-Gordon, Dirac and gauge fields, Lorentz invariance in quantum theory, perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams, calculation of decay rates and cross sections, and an introduction to radiative corrections, renormalization and effective field theories. At the level of Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by Schwartz.


PHYS 6572, and PHYS 6561, or equivalent experience. (One of these courses may be taken concurrently.) Background in particle physics at the level of PHYS 4444 is desirable.

Topics Covered

  • Free spin-0 fields (Canonical quantization, causality, symmetries)
  • Interacting spin-0 fields (S-matrix, Feynman rules, unitarity, renormalization, spectral decomposition)
  • Spin-1/2 fields (Lorentz and Poincar ́e groups, Weyl fermions, Dirac fermions, quanti- zation and renormalization of spinors)
  • If we have time we will do path integrals/and or basics of scattering amplitudes


  • 10-15hrs/week, 13 problem sets, one take home final [Fall 2023]

General Advice

  • This class is hard! [Fall 2023]
  • While challenging, take this class as early as possible if you’re into theory. Try to get a very solid understanding of quantum mechanics.[Fall 24]


The material is challenging, but very rewarding as all of high energy theory is locked behind the iron door of QFT. The material demands a strong background in quantum mechanics, although you do not have to take Cornell’s 6572 to do well. It is also a lot of work. [Fall 2023]


Past Offerings

Semester Professor Median Grade Course Page
Fall 2023 Csaba Csaki N/A PHYS7651_FA23.pdf
Fall 2024 Csaba Csaki N/A PHYS7651_FA24.pdf