General Information

First course in engineering introductory sequence. Either this or PHYS 1116 is required for all physics majors.


Calculus II credit (AP Calculus BC, MATH 1910, MATH 1120, or equivalent).

Topics Covered

  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics
  • Conservation laws
  • Central force fields
  • Periodic motion
  • Center of mass
  • Rotational mechanics of a rigid body
  • Rotational equilibrium
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Thermodynamics


The class is taught as a flipped classroom, where you will be expected to do a lot of work outside the class, which involves online quizzes, textbook reading, homeworks, etc. In class, the professor gives out handouts and attendance is taken through iClicker responses. The outside workload is relatively heavy but managebale compared to an average Cornell class. [Fall 2022]

There is honestly a large workload, but it is manageable. You just have to work ahead on the reading quizzes and start the homework earlier in the week so you’re not scrambling. Going to office hours helps a lot with this so you’re not feeling overwhelmed. [Spring 2022]

General Advice

  • Time management is key for the class, so staying on top of homeworks and quizzes is essential. I found lectures to be very helpful for my understanding. When it comes to exams, reviewing homework questions and discussion worksheet is key, a lot of questions will mirror those. [Fall 2022]

  • Do not wait until the last minute to start the homework assignments, they can be lengthy. Keep track of the reading quizzes. The readings might not seem helpful, but they are a good introduction to the content that you’ll be covering in class. For the prelims, I would recommend going back and redoing all of the homework problems, going over the iclickers, and maybe glancing at the COOPs. This honestly helped me the most with the exams and I found that a lot of the exam questions (especially the multiple choice) were either similar or the exact iclicker questions as in class. Also, redoing homework problems also helps prepare you for the prelims because the short answer questions do tend to mirror the questions from the homework. As always, go to office hours (Professor Phil is the best but if not the LSC also has good ones), to answer any questions you have on something. It really does help. [Spring 2022]


  • I honestly really enjoyed this class. Professor Bert and Professor Phil really do their best to teach the material and make it interesting.interactive for the class. Going to Phil’s Office hours to do the homework really helped me understand the material better and get a head start on the homework every week. The prelims were also fair given the content. I never felt like there was something on the prelim that we had never done before (chances are it was from a homework assignment or COOP). [Spring 2022]

Past Offerings

Semester Professor Median Grade Syllabus
Fall 2022 Phil Krasicky A- PHYS1112_FA22.pdf