General Information

This class covers ordinary differential equations in one and higher dimensions, with qualitative, analytic, and numerical methods. It emphasizes differential equations as models and includes an introduction to bifurcations.


The introductory math sequence (MATH 2210-2220, MATH 2230-2240, or MATH 1920-2930-2940) and familiarity with proofs (a 3000-level MATH class would be beneficial).

Topics Covered

  • Differential equations in one and higher dimensions
  • Qualitative, analytic, and numerical methods of solving the equations


There was very little workload with Hubbard - the homeworks were difficult and required a lot of thinking. The lectures are enlightening but somewhat hard to follow. [Fall 2022]

General Advice

Don’t get disheartened. [Fall 2022]


Felt more like a seminar. [Fall 2022]

Past Offerings

Semester Professor Median Grade Course Page
Fall 2022 John H. Hubbard A