CS 2110 - Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
General Information
Second core CS course for a CS Minor or Concentration. Intermediate programming in a high-level language and introduction to computer science. Java is the principal programming language.
CS 1110 or CS 1112 or course on programming in a procedural language
Topics Covered
- Object-oriented programming (classes, objects, subclasses, types)
- Graphical user interfaces
- Algorithm analysis (asymptotic complexity, big “O” notation)
- Recursion
- Testing
- Program correctness (loop invariants)
- Special relativity
- Searching/sorting
- Data structures (lists, trees, stacks, queues, heaps, search trees, hash tables, graphs)
- Graph algorithms
A usual week consists of not too much work, usually just a quiz in the beginning of the week and textbook readings, but in the case of weeks where an assignment is released, it’s significantly more, as assignments usually take >7 hours [Spring 2023]
General Advice
- It is easy to fall behind in the beginning of the semester and stop paying attention in lectures, as most of the material is review from CS 1110 and really basic, but things will start to ramp up so be prepared [Spring 2023]
Past Offerings
Semester | Professor | Median Grade | Syllabus |
Fall 2022 | Curran Muhlberger, Andrew Myers | B | Course Page |
Fall 2023 | Curran Muhlberger | N/A | Course Page |