ASTRO 2212 - The Solar System: Planets, Small Bodies and New Worlds
General Information
Second course in the introductory astro sequence intended for astronomy majors, minors, or a concentration.
Calculus II credit (AP Calculus BC, MATH 1910, MATH 1120, or equivalent).
Topics Covered
- Introduction to the solar system
- Planetary orbital and spin dynamics
- Tidal evolution
- The interiors, surfaces, and atmospheres of the planets including the effects of greenhouse gases on climate
- Smaller bodies such as satellites, asteroids and comets
- Results from past and current spacecraft missions
The final grades in the course will depend on homework sets and on a final team project and in-class presentation, supported by a joint term paper. It is more in-depth and quantitative than ASTRO 1102/ASTRO 1104.